The plasma-facing components of the ITER divertor will be exposed to a heat load of some 10 to 20 MW per square metre, ten times higher than that of a spacecraft re-entering Earth's atmosphere. But a spacecraft's re-entry only lasts a few minutes, whereas ITER aims to realize hour-long plasma shots.
Spacecrafts like the Space Shuttle are protected from the searing heat by a blanket of insulating tiles that evacuate the heat by radiation; in ITER, the heat will be evacuated by pressurized water circulating through the divertor at the rate of almost one cubic metre per second.
Water enters the complex cooling circuit of the divertor at forty times atmospheric pressure (4 MPa) and at a temperature of 70 °C. As it exits, temperature has risen to 120 °C and the heat is evacuated by way of a heat exchanger connected to the secondary circuit.
"Pressurized water has the capacity to evacuate the heat flux but it is essential that the water does not fully boil—once vapour becomes dominant we lose much of the heat exhaust capacity," explains Frédéric Escourbiac, head of the Tungsten Divertor Section at ITER.
There is, however, a particular regime that is welcome by engineers: it is a condition called "diphasic," where micro bubbles keep forming and collapsing in the water circuit. "We want this regime because it is very efficient in terms of heat exchange and keeps the temperature of the structure within the desired range."
The diphasic condition, however, is an unstable regime: under certain conditions, micro-bubbles grow and coalesce into a large, stable, resistive layer of vapour. This is an unwelcome situation because, when it happens, a large part of the heat exhaust capacity is lost. "In a few hundreds of milliseconds the component can be damaged," says Escourbiac.
This event is called "critical heat flux," "boiling crisis," or "burn-out." It is a thermal phenomenon that suddenly decreases the efficiency of heat transfer, causing the localized overheating of a component. It can be caused by the depressurization of the cooling system, the failure of a pump, or a sudden change in the plasma regime leading to a significantly higher heat load—a phenomenon known as "plasma reattachment."