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Jean Jacquinot presents book on ITER

Jean Jacquinot presenting "ITER — le chemin des étoiles?"

Jean Jacquinot, formerly Director of JET and Director of DRFC Cadarache, currently Scientific Adviser to the French High Commissioner for Atomic Energy was at Cadarache on 28 November to give a seminar on the evolution of ITER, a subject covered in his book entitled "ITER — le chemin des étoiles?".

Co-authored by Robert Arnoux, a prominent local journalist, the book is aimed at a non-scientific audience and is already selling well. On this occasion Dr Jacquinot did not go into the science of ITER, but instead gave a fascinating account of how the experiment came to be built after many years of planning, discussions and geo-political wrangling. After the talk, he signed copies of the book for members of the large audience.