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ITER featured at this year's AAAS Meeting

A student examines a plasma ball, one of several hands-on features of the US ITER exhibit.

Several thousand students, science and technology professionals, and media representatives had the opportunity to learn more about the ITER project when they visited the U.S. ITER exhibit at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science held February 14—18 in Boston.

The exhibit featured displays on various aspects of the ITER project, a model and a 3-D video depicting the ITER device, a touch-screen fusion quiz, and several colourful plasma devices. Personnel from the US Domestic Agency, IO, and Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory staffed the exhibit, greeting visitors and distributing U.S. ITER brochures, fusion fact sheets, and one of the most popular attractions of the conference — "singing magnet" kits featuring the U.S. ITER logo.

This year's AAAS meeting, which focused on "Science and Technology from a Global Perspective," included more than 150 symposia, plenary and topical lectures, and a variety of special events.