ITER and China to promote scientific cooperation
3 Sep 2012
On 13 August, during his recent visit to Beijing, ITER Director-General Osamu Motojima and Vice-Minister CAO Jianlin signed the Memorandum. Also present were Ju Jin, ITER head of the Directorate for General Administration (left) and Luo Delong, Deputy Director-General of ITER China.
The ITER Organization and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the People's Republic of China have signed a Memorandum of Understanding aiming to promote scientific and technological cooperation between the world-spanning network of laboratories and institutes engaged in fusion research.
On 13 August, during his recent visit to Beijing, ITER Director-General Osamu Motojima and Vice-Minister CAO Jianlin signed the Memorandum. China is one of the seven founding Members of the ITER Organization; MOST steers the country's national scientific and technological development.
The agreement comprises "the exchange of and training of scientists, engineers, specialists, administrators and project managers with regard to mega-science projects for agreed periods of time; the organization of seminars and workshops; and the exchange of information and data on scientific and technical activities taking into account the Intellectual Property rules of the ITER Project."