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First Design Review Interface meeting held at Cadarache

Participants to the Interface Meeting held in Cadarache, 12-16 February.

Since the Design Review of ITER was launched on 15 November last year, the eight Working Groups (Design Requirements & Physics Objectives, Safety & Licensing, Site & Building, Magnets, Heating & Current Drive, Tritium Plant, Vacuum Vessel and In-Vessel-Components) have collected and prioritized the issue cards (each describing a specific design issue), which now have to be resolved according to their priority.

To address issues that are relevant for more than one group, a first interface oriented design review meeting took place at the Chateau in Cadarache last week. Each of the eight working group was represented by its chairman and coordinator, plus in some cases one or two experts. The meeting was aimed at discussing probable interfaces between the various groups and how to solve the issues best. The form of documentation for the baseline 2007 was another topic for discussion, as well as the methods by which the output from the design review will enter the ITER procedure for design changes, should this be required.

Further "Interface Meetings" will be scheduled every six weeks. The goal is to produce a work plan for their resolution, which will be reported to a special Technical Advisory Committee in April and eventually to the participating teams and the ITER Council.