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Coming up: review of ITER's blanket design

29 Jan 2010 - René Raffray, Blanket Section Leader
The 440 wall-mounted blanket modules will be the focus of the conceptual design review taking place next week.

Next week, starting on Tuesday, 2 February, the conceptual design review (CDR) of the wall-mounted blanket modules will be held at the Château de Cadarache. This three-day review represents an important milestone for the design of the ITER blanket to help assess that the requirements of the system and its critical interfaces have been properly identified, and the proposed schedule is reasonable and achievable.

The blanket system provides a physical boundary for the plasma and contributes to the thermal and nuclear shielding of the vacuum vessel. The blanket system consists of 440 modular shielding elements known as blanket modules which are attached to the vessel. The modules consist of two major elements, a plasma-facing first wall panel mounted on a shield block actively cooled by water. As the blanket directly faces the hot plasma with a temperature exceeding that found in the core of the sun, it is one of the most critical and technically-challenging components in ITER.

Six ITER Members will contribute to the ITER blanket. Europe, China, Korea, Japan, Russia and the United States have worked closely with the ITER Blanket Section and within the Blanket Integrated Product Team framework, to prepare this review. Presenters from the Domestic Agencies and from the ITER Organization will describe the status of the blanket conceptual design following the recommendations of the 2007 ITER Design Review. The review panel will be chaired by André Grosman of CEA and consists of independent experts, representatives of the procuring Domestic Agencies, and ITER Organization safety, quality assurance and technical integration representatives. The meeting's organizers are René Raffray (design developer) and Tommi Jokinen (review secretary).