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Change in IPP directorate

Hello and goodbye—the old and the new directorate of the IPP with guests (from left): Günther Hasinger, Christina Wenninger-Mrozek, Beatrix Vierkorn-Rudolph, Karl Tichmann and Alexander Bradshaw. (Photo: IPP)

It was time to say goodby on Tuesday, when the Max-Planck-Institute for Plasmaphysics (IPP) in Garching, Germany, officially said farewell to its two former directors, Alexander Bradshaw and Karl Tichmann. Bradshaw, Commander of the British Empire and a Fellow of the Royal Society, had been the scientific director of the institute from 1999 until 2008 and as such played an important role during the early phases of the ITER Project whose European team was based at the IPP. Karl Tichmann was the fusion lab's administrative director from 1996 until 2009 and his role in the history of the institute and the funding of fusion research in Germany in general "shall not be underestimated," stressed Beatrix Vierkorn-Rudolf, in charge of fusion research within the German government. "More than once Karl Tichmann managed to manoeuvre the lurching ship back on course."

The new faces in the upper floor of the IPP are Günther Hasinger and Christina Wenninger-Mrozek.