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6th ITER International School to be held in India

The ITER Organization, together with the University of Provence and the Institute for Plasmaphysics in Gandhinagar, India, are glad to announce the 6th ITER International School that will be held in India from 2-6 December 2012. The school aims to prepare young researchers to tackle the challenges of magnetic fusion devices and to spread the global knowledge required for a timely and competent exploitation of the ITER physics potential. This sixth issue of the ITER International School will focus on radiofrequency heating and current drive in plasmas.
"We are very happy and honoured to host the ITER International School in India this year and we aspire to keep the excellent academic standard set by previous schools in this series alive," says Abhijit Sena, the joint director of the ITER International School and the host of this year's event. "The theme of 'Radio Frequency Heating and Current Drive in Plasmas' is rich in content—both physics and technology—and should serve to provide an exciting learning experience for the young participants."
For more information on the 6th ITER International School click here.
  * Topic: RF Heating & Current Drive in Plasmas
  * Date: 2-6 December, 2012
  * Location: Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
  * Website: www.iter-india.org/iis2012
  * Contact: @email