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10 systems, 400 pumps pass review

World experts on vacuum and fusion safety gathered last week at the ITER Headquarters for the Conceptual Design Review of the Vacuum Auxiliary Systems main delivery. "This is our most diverse Procurement Arrangement, covering 10 systems and including approximately 400 vacuum pumps situated all over the Tokamak Complex," explained Vacuum Section Leader, Robert Pearce.
The design of the systems was presented in 60 presentations over 3 long days.  Liam Worth, review coordinator, expounds, "The review concludes many man-years of work by members of the ITER Vacuum team; preparations have been particularly intense over the last few months." Such work led to a successful review and Review Chair Alastair Bell commended the Vacuum team on its high level of preparation.
Passing this Review will now allow the Vacuum teams to progress to issuing the Procurement Arrangement for the systems, which should be ready to be signed between ITER Organization and the US Domestic Agency (US-DA) early next year. "Excellent," stated US-DA vacuum team leader Michael Hechler who attended the review with four other team members.