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Actu & Médias

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Certified French

Evgeny Veschev (here with AIF Director Jérôme Pamela) was among the participants who received their French Language Certificate on 7 July. (Click to view larger version...)
Evgeny Veschev (here with AIF Director Jérôme Pamela) was among the participants who received their French Language Certificate on 7 July.
On 7 July, Jérôme Pamela, director of Agence Iter France (AIF), was pleased to give out the French Language Certificates to all those who had passed their evaluations. This was the first time that some certificates mentioned level B2—an exceptional level showing how much progress has been made.

The participants were rewarded for reaching their objectives, for their time and effort in learning French despite juggling heavy work schedules, and for their determination in learning a foreign language.

The onsite Intercultural & Language Program is open to all, no matter the level, and sign up is accepted throughout the year. Individual tutoring sessions in addition to the group classes offer a personalized approach catered to all learning habits and backgrounds.

The eight teachers involved in the program are all from the University Paul Cézanne in Aix-en-Provence. This program received the European Label for Languages in December 2008 for its innovation and quality.

Agence Iter France has had a partnership with the University Paul Cézanne since 2009, involving collaboration on research into improving the teaching of foreign languages and furthering the intercultural dimensions of teaching.

If you are interested in signing up onsite or offsite please contact shawn.simpson@cea.fr to make an appointment.

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