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Actu & Médias

Pour les actualités en français, voir la page Actus & Médias.
Ride 4 Fusion

Scientific outreach on two wheels

A group of fusion researchers has left Padua, Italy, for an 800-kilometre bike trip to the ITER site. Their goal? To share information about fusion energy research and career opportunities in the field with the public they meet along the way.

An 800-kilometre journey from Padua to Saint Paul-lez-Durance. The Ride 4 Fusion group left Padua on 10 September and is expected at ITER on the 19th. (Click to view larger version...)
An 800-kilometre journey from Padua to Saint Paul-lez-Durance. The Ride 4 Fusion group left Padua on 10 September and is expected at ITER on the 19th.
On 10 September, after a small send-off ceremony, twenty researchers and technicians from Consorzio RFX and the Fusion Research Center of the University of Padua set off on a two-wheeled adventure—biking from Italy to France to spread the message about fusion. Along the way they will be joined by colleagues from the CNR Institute for Plasma Science and Technology in Milan, the ENEA Fusion Center in Frascati, and scientists from the ITER Organization. Events to meet the public have been scheduled in Piacenza, Pavia and Marseille, and on Thursday 19 September the group will arrive at the ITER site.

See the route they are taking here.

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