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28 who "truly shined"

The new ITER Star Awards recognize exemplary performance and commitment.

A new mechanism was created this year, allowing colleagues to nominate their peers for behaviours ''that truly shine.'' Twenty-eight of the 128 winners for the first ITER Star Awards were recognized in the amphitheatre on Tuesday 19 September. (Click to view larger version...)
A new mechanism was created this year, allowing colleagues to nominate their peers for behaviours ''that truly shine.'' Twenty-eight of the 128 winners for the first ITER Star Awards were recognized in the amphitheatre on Tuesday 19 September.
Every year, during the annual assessment campaign, ITER staff may be recognized for exemplary performance by their managers through mechanisms such as performance ratings, rewards, or promotions.

A new spot award initiative—the ITER Star Awards—is meant to complement the managerial tools that recognize achievements, broadening the recognition campaign to reward colleagues from across the ITER Project "on the spot," or at least more regularly than once a year. Staff of the ITER Organization, but also non-staff personnel (interim staff, ITER Project Associates) and staff from the Domestic Agencies can be nominated by peers from the ITER Organization for exceptional accomplishments or behaviours that exemplify ITER values and engagement in the project.

"These new spot awards allow colleagues to realize just how appreciated they are by their own peers for their collaboration and attitudes," says Shira Tabachnikoff, Internal & Stakeholder Relations Manager, who helped to roll out the program with colleagues from the Human Resources Division. Criteria for nomination include demonstrating professionalism, excellence and dedication in daily work; striving to embed a safety culture; creating a culture of diversity and inclusiveness; and bringing about improvements through cutting-edge technology or innovation.

During the first campaign launched in July, 128 people were selected for ITER Star Awards. Awards are either monetary or non-monetary (Recognition Awards). In a ceremony on Tuesday 19 September, a group of 28 received a personalized, star-shaped, engraved-glass Recognition Award.

"In the end, we are all working for the same objective: to successfully complete the ITER Project," said ITER Director-General Pietro Barabaschi, who shook hands with each recipient. "We are one team. And these awards reflect our singular and unified commitment."

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