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Actu & Médias

Articles récents dans ITER Mag

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The ITER world in a podcast

What is the best way to understand a complex, revolutionary and futuristic technology that has challenged, confounded, and inspired the human mind and spirit for generations?  By listening to the people that are at the forefront of trying to master the energy source of the Sun in order to meet the increasing demand for energy here on earth.

ITER Stories: a podcast that takes the time to meet some of the people at the heart of ITER. (Click to view larger version...)
ITER Stories: a podcast that takes the time to meet some of the people at the heart of ITER.
A new podcast miniseries from the ITER Organization, "All about ITER," brings the listeners onto the ITER construction site, where hosts Kruti Mawani Fayot, Anna Bondyreva and Will Ebrey explore a wide array of topics. What is it like to work in a multicultural environment? What unique international school was created for the ITER Project? How complex is ITER procurement and how are transportation logistics managed? How did the project come about? And what science is planned?

Episode 1: The Big Black Box on the Hill (An Introduction)

Episode 2: A Melting Pot of Cultures at Work

Episode 3: The Sun is Our Model (A Conversation with Monaco-ITER Postdocs)

Episode 4: The History of ITER

Episode 5: Piecing the Puzzle Together (A Unique In-Kind Contribution and Transportation System)

Episode 6: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

Find all six episodes of ITER Stories on the ITER podcast page.

Watch a promotional trailer here.

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