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Actu & Médias

Articles récents dans ITER Mag

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Image of the week

A most daunting task

It may be one of the most spectacular Christmas presents ITER will receive this year: the first building block of the most complex plasma chamber ever conceived.

Workers look small when they stand at the foot of this unique and spectacular D-shaped structure. (Click to view larger version...)
Workers look small when they stand at the foot of this unique and spectacular D-shaped structure.
The sector #6 sub-assembly, the first of the nine 40° sections of the ITER vacuum vessel, is almost ready to be lowered in the assembly pit. The sub-assembly is formed by a 440-tonne vacuum vessel sector, two 360-tonne toroidal field coils, lighter but no less essential thermal shield panels, and a set of smaller components that bring the total weight of the sub-unit to approximately 1,250 tonnes.

A few more weeks and the assembly will be finalized. The ITER teams and their contractors will have accomplished one of their most daunting tasks: aligning components as tall as a six-storey building with almost clockwork precision.

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