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Actu & Médias

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Image of the week

This circle is for the ring

Another concentric circle has been drawn at the bottom of the machine assembly pit, formed by the temporary supports recently installed for poloidal field coil #6.

 (Click to view larger version...)
Of six ring-shaped coils, poloidal field coil #6 (PF6) is the heaviest (400 tonnes). It is also the second smallest, with a diameter of 10 metres. 

In April, it will be lifted in the Assembly Hall by the overhead crane, and transported to the Tokamak pit to be installed on nine temporary support structures. These temporary supports, weighing approximately 5 tonnes and containing vertical actuators, will be used until completion of vacuum vessel assembly in the pit; then, PF6 will be raised to its final position using hydraulic jacks and aligned.

Inside of the circle formed by the temporary supports, the assembly teams will be installing a first, spare set of pre-compression rings and the central column of the in-pit assembly tool.

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