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Actu & Médias

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Monaco Fellows

An investment in the future

Ever since the Monaco-ITER postdoctoral fellowship program was launched in 2008, His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco has met with the five young scientists that are selected every two years to study research topics related to ITER.

Through the Monaco-ITER postdoctoral fellowship program, funded by the Principality of Monaco, the ITER Organization recruits five postdocs every two years. A video conference on 11 May was the occasion for His Serene Highness Prince Albert II to touch base with the current Fellows and to reaffirm his strong support for the program and ITER. (Click to view larger version...)
Through the Monaco-ITER postdoctoral fellowship program, funded by the Principality of Monaco, the ITER Organization recruits five postdocs every two years. A video conference on 11 May was the occasion for His Serene Highness Prince Albert II to touch base with the current Fellows and to reaffirm his strong support for the program and ITER.
This year, due to the pandemic, the planned live meeting was not possible. But there are other means of connecting and exchanging...

So on Monday 11 May, from the Prince's Palace in Monaco, Prince Albert logged in by Skype to meet Joyeeta Sinha from India, Jae-Sun Park from Korea, Jonathan Coburn from the USA, Satoshi Togo from Japan and Javier Artola from Spain, and to hear about their research at ITER. "This is not just make-up work," as moderator Tim Luce, Head of Science, Controls & Operation, stated. "This is substantial work in support of ITER. So your contribution is a real investment into our future. This is the generation that will make fusion energy a reality."

ITER Director-General Bernard Bigot expressed his gratitude towards Prince Albert for his continuous support over the past twelve years and six generations of Monaco-ITER Fellows (a seventh will begin at ITER later this year). In return, he received thanks for "a wonderful moment sharing all this information," as the Prince underlined once more his personal attachment to this project. "We will continue to pursue our contribution through this fellowship program, despite the difficult economic times ahead. This is indeed an investment in the future."

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