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Actu & Médias

Articles récents dans ITER Mag

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Construction site

The lights of autumn

Summer is over in Provence and the beautiful autumn light is back, revealing every detail of the landscape ... and of the ongoing works on the ITER construction site.

The ITER site under the autumn light—warm hue, crisp details and transparent shadows ... (Click to view larger version...)
The ITER site under the autumn light—warm hue, crisp details and transparent shadows ...
Taken at the very end of the afternoon from the top of the highest worksite crane, this view takes in the "heart" of the ITER installation.

To the left, the Tokamak Complex with the spectacular structure of the bioshield at its centre, to the right four massive constructions: the twin Magnet Power Conversion buildings with three transformers already installed in their outdoor bays; the cryoplant, with its frame now covered in the trademark ITER stainless steel cladding; and the Poloidal Field Coils Winding Facility with its red trim ... the first building to rise on the ITER platform.

View the gallery below for a full update on construction progress.

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