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Actu & Médias

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Register now for SOFT 2014

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The next Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2014) will be held in San Sebastian, Spain from 29 September to 3 October.

SOFT is recognized as the most important scientific event on fusion technology in Europe and for the next edition organizers are paying special attention to the participation of industry. In particular, one of this year's objectives is to strengthen the relationship between labs and companies.

SOFT 2014 will be offering a focused program of activities for representatives of industry: an Industrial Infoday on 30 September for an overview on the ITER Project and upcoming opportunities for companies; a round table on "Technology transfer and collaboration models between labs and industry"; and thematic workshops on the successful participation in tender offers.

An industrial exhibition will be open throughout the duration of the conference; companies interested in renting space should contact the organizers here.

Please visit the SOFT 2014 website for more information, to register, or to schedule B2B/C2B meetings. 

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