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Actu & Médias

Pour les actualités en français, voir la page Actus & Médias.

Korean Ambassador visits ITER

The Korean Ambassador to France, Heun-Shin Park (second from left), the First Secretary of commercial affairs (left), ITER Director-General Ikeda, and his Deputy Kim Yong-Hwan (right). (Click to view larger version...)
The Korean Ambassador to France, Heun-Shin Park (second from left), the First Secretary of commercial affairs (left), ITER Director-General Ikeda, and his Deputy Kim Yong-Hwan (right).
On 16 March, the Korean Ambassador to France, Heun-Shin Park, came to visit ITER. Mr. Park was accompanied by the First Secretary of commercial affairs from the Korean Embassy in Paris. After a welcome by ITER Deputy Director-General Kim Yong-Hwan from the Central Engineering & Plant Support Department, ITER Director-General Kaname Ikeda introduced him to the project and invited him on a site tour.

Following this guided tour, Mr. Park met the twenty-seven Korean staff members at ITER to thank them for their engagement and their contribution to the project stressing its importance for the development of a future energy source.

After exchanging technical information, the discussion continued about the staff's experience living in France.

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