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Actu & Médias

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Want to do business with ITER? Meet in Seoul in July!

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The first Asian ITER Business Forum (IBF Korea/14) will take place in Seoul, Korea, from 1 to 4 July 2014.

This event aims to develop industrial partnerships and business relations between industries involved in the ITER Project, fusion and beyond. It is organized by the Korean Domestic Agency for ITER with the participation and support of the ITER Organization, the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy (F4E) and the other Domestic Agencies.

IBF Korea/14 will provide industries with updated information on ITER status, procurement procedures and forthcoming calls for tender (2014-2015). There will be special focus placed on the procurement status of the ITER Domestic Agencies and on their main suppliers (manufacturing status and potential needs in terms of partnerships, subcontractors, local support).

This event will include an industrial conference, one-to-one meetings (pre-reserved on line) and an optional program of technical tours. We hope you will take this opportunity to make business contacts with European or Asian companies involved to the ITER Project and your core business.

We look forward to seeing you at IBF Korea/14 in Seoul. 

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