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Actu & Médias

Articles récents dans ITER Mag

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Concrete pouring begins for Tritium Building basemat

Close to 1,000 cubic meters of concrete were employed in filling a 638 square-metre plot (P14) in the north-east corner of the Tokamak Pit. (Click to view larger version...)
Close to 1,000 cubic meters of concrete were employed in filling a 638 square-metre plot (P14) in the north-east corner of the Tokamak Pit.
Concrete pouring for the basemat of the Tritium Building began on Wednesday 19 March. Close to 1,000 cubic meters of concrete were employed in filling a 638 square-metre plot (P14) in the north-east corner of the Tokamak Pit.

As for the Diagnostics Building basemat, the section of the slab that will support the Tritium Building will be poured in three separate segments. The next two, plots 12 and 15, are scheduled for pouring in April.

In the central area of the Tokamak Pit, where a combination of orthogonal and orthodradial rebar create a particularly tight and complex pattern, pouring should begin in late July and be completed in early October.

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