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Actu & Médias

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The next generation of fusion scientists

Guy Bonnaud, in charge of the French Fusion Master class, welcoming the students. (Click to view larger version...)
Guy Bonnaud, in charge of the French Fusion Master class, welcoming the students.
Each year in February, students from French graduate universities within a federation called "Education for Fusion Sciences" regroup at Cadarache to follow advanced courses on frontline science and technology related to magnetic fusion. The master course aims to provide interdisciplinary knowledge and skills to scientists and engineers from France and foreign countries that are keen on studying in energy and fusion research programs, specifically within the framework of large projects, both in national or private laboratories.

This week, 25 students from the University of Nancy, universities from the Île-de-France area around Paris, and Marseille gathered in the amphitheatre of the IRFM (l'Institut de Recherche sur la Fusion Magnétique), the fusion branch of the CEA Cadarache that operates the Tore Supra tokamak, for the launching of this year's Master course. For the next four weeks the students will get the chance to gather knowledge on the physics and the technology of fusion—both in theory and by hands-on exercises. Scientists from both the IRFM and ITER will be engaged in teaching the next generation of fusion scientists and engineers.

Click here for further information.

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