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  • 32nd Energetic Particle Physics TG Meeting
    30 Sep - 03 Oct, 2024
  • 33rd Transport & Confinement TG Meeting​
    30 Sep - 03 Oct, 2024
    Ibaraki, Japan
  • 46th Diagnostics TG Meeting
    30 Sep - 03 Oct, 2024
    IO, St Paul Lez Durance, France
  • 44th Pedestal & Edge Physics TG Meeting
    30 Sep - 03 Oct, 2024
    Naka, Ibaraki, Japan
  • 35th Scrape-Off-Layer & Divertor TG Meeting
    21 Oct - 24 Oct, 2024
    Prague, Czech Republic
  • 33rd Integrated Operation Scenarios TG Meeting
    28 Oct - 31 Oct, 2024
  • ​27th ITPA CC Meeting
    04 Dec - 06 Dec, 2024
    IO, St Paul Lez Durance, France
  • 15th CTP Ex Com Meeting
    06 Dec - 06 Dec, 2024
    IO, St Paul Lez Durance, France