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Actu & Médias

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Electrifying months at ITER China and ITER

Participants from the Chinese Domestic Agency and ITER's Electrical Engineering Division at the meeting. (Click to view larger version...)
Participants from the Chinese Domestic Agency and ITER's Electrical Engineering Division at the meeting.
Finalizing a Procurement Arrangement signature and, at the same time, organizing Preliminary Design Reviews for two major systems is a very demanding task that the Chinese Domestic Agency and ITER Electrical Engineering Division performed between April and July 2012.

Assembling the documentation for the Procurement Arrangement for the pulsed power electrical network (PPEN) was finalized between January and June 2012, resulting in the signature of the corresponding Procurement Arrangement at the last ITER Council in Washington DC.

During that same period, the Preliminary Design Reviews for two other major power supply Procurement Arrangements had to be organized; these took place last week in Beijing for the poloidal field AC/DC power converters and for the reactive power compensators and harmonic filtering system.

It should be noted that for the Chinese Domestic Agency, these three Procurement Arrangements together exceed 35 percent of its total in-kind contribution to ITER.

Read more about the electrifying months for the Chinese Domestic Agency and the ITER Electrical Engineering Division here.

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