Pietro Barabaschi

Director General, ITER Organization
Dear Colleagues,

It is with deep sadness that I inform you of the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Michael Lehnen, after a long and courageous battle with illness. Michael was not only a kind and friendly colleague but also an embodiment of our CARE values. He was an internationally renowned expert in disruption physics and mitigation.

Michael's career was marked by his exceptional leadership in research, particularly in the DMS (Disruption Mitigation System) activity. The numerous collaborations he fostered were highly effective and leave a significant legacy for the Science Division and the ITER Project to uphold and build upon. His contributions to the DMS development were of the highest calibre, playing a crucial role in the successful DMS final design review held last March. Despite facing severe medical challenges, Michael's preparation and delivery of the masterful DMS Physics Basis presentation at the FDR demonstrated his remarkable character, competence, and dedication.

Michael will be profoundly missed by all of us at ITER and by the international fusion community. 

All united, we express our most sincere condolences to those closest to Michael and to all of his many colleagues and friends.

Nicholas Eidietis

General Atomics
It was always a pleasure to work with Michael on experiments across the world, as a member of the ITER Disruption Task Force, ITPA, and organizing numerous meetings with him over the past decade and more. He was a unifying force within our field, patient but persistent. I feel blessed and honored to have been able to see him one last time for a few good days in Japan this past April. My heartfelt condolences go out to his family. Michael was a good man whom we will sorely miss.

Oliver Schmitz

Michael was my first technical mentor at FZ Juelich 20 years ago when I started my PhD thesis at TEXTOR. He introduced me into the thermal helium beam technique and shared openly his expertise to me as a new student. His passion for fusion and for guiding early career students and scientists was always an outstanding trade of Michael. I always enjoyed working with him and I am deeply saddened to hear about this loss for his family, friends and the entire fusion community. Rest in peace Michael.

Giuseppe Telesca

Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion
I am very touched by the premature passing away of Michael. Since my time at Forschungszentrum Juelich, I have known him  as exceptionally clever and absolutely modest, always ready to provide his help, friendly and with a smile.
I express my deepest condolences to his whole Family.

David Campbell

former Director of ITER Science and Operations Department
Michael's reputation as a leading figure in the study of disruptions and, more specifically, in the development and application of disruption mitigation techniques, was, of course, well-known for many years prior to his recruitment to the ITER Organization. However, it was only after he joined the IO to lead the physics R&D, design and development activities for the ITER Disruption Mitigation System that we fully appreciated what an outstanding researcher we had gained. During the decade that Michael led the ITER activities supporting the development of the DMS, he demonstrated a deep understanding of the critical physics issues and the ability to cast them in a quantitative framework to guide the research and design studies. He also possessed the profound insight (and diplomatic skills!) required to develop the wide-ranging research collaborations across the fusion community which were established to address the key challenges in the development of ITER's DMS. His research during this period confirmed his standing as an internationally recognized leader in his field and the central figure in the major effort undertaken by the ITER project to resolve the challenge of developing an adequate disruption mitigation capability to ensure reliable operation of ITER. Despite the increasing seriousness of his illness, Michael demonstrated significant personal courage in maintaining his work at the forefront of the ITER DMS research and design activities, and in providing leadership to the project's work in this area.

But Michael was much more than an outstanding scientist. He had a delightful and open personality and an engaging, mischievous sense of humour. It was a great pleasure to work with him and a privilege to learn from his deep knowledge and expertise. I was deeply saddened to hear of his passing - it is a major loss to his many friends and colleagues in the international fusion community, as well as to the ITER project, and we recognize that we have lost a uniquely talented individual. I would like to convey my deepest condolences to those closest to Michael and to his friends and colleagues.

Sundaresan Sridhar

Research Software Engineer, Tokamak Energy Ltd
I was deeply saddened to hear of the passing of my dear mentor Michael. Throughout my PhD at CEA Cadarache, our monthly meetings were invaluable. I always respected his warmth, deep subject knowledge, and his remarkable combination of expertise with humility and approachability. Michael will be greatly missed as a scientist, mentor, and a wonderful human being. My deepest condolences go out to his friends and family. May he rest in peace.

Marek Rubel

I have always admired Michael's  great and deep knowledge. I will always remember great kindness and very friendly attitude, eagerness to solve problems and to help. Thank you Michael. Rest in peace my dear TEXTOR Colleague. 
I express my deepest condolences to Michael's family.

Yi Liu

Southwestern Institute of Physics, China
Words cannot express how saddened I am by this news. He is such a kind person to students and colleagues, and contributed a lot to our fusion society with his outstanding work. May Michael Lehnen pass in peace.

Alexander Huber

Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institut für Energie- und Klimaforschung - Plasmaphysik
I am deeply saddened by Michael's premature passing and will miss him greatly. He will be remembered warmly by me and by many colleagues who knew him. Michael will be remembered not only as an outstanding physicist but also as a deeply decent and kind person, always treating those around him with kindness. My heartfelt condolences go out to his family and friends who were close to him.


Head of Institute for Magnetic Fusion Research, CEA Institut de Recherche sur la Fusion par confinement
Today, we have learnt about the death of Michael Lehnen. 
In the name of all the colleagues of the Institut de Recherche sur. la Fusion Magnetique (IRFM) of the CEA and particularly those who worked directly with Michael, we would like to express our deepest sadness for the loss of Michael Lehnen. 
Michael's ethics and dedication to his work on disruption and run-away mitigation for ITER has been inspiring and seminal for many of us at IRFM. In addition, Michael has always been a jovial and friendly colleagues in all relations he had with him and he will be greatly missed. 
On behalf of the IRFM, we take this opportunity to express our heartfelt condolences to his IT.ER colleagues and his nearest family. May his sons have the strength and courage to overcome this loss.

Thierry Loarer

It is with a great sadness that I learned about Michael's passing away. I particularly remember the work with Michael on the biaising of the toroidal pump limiter on Tore Supra as he was in a Post Doc position in the early 2000. This collaboration was simply "easy and perfect". During this period, I have really appreciated the person and talented scientist that he was. 
I would like to express my deepest condolences to his Family and his friends

Sebastijan Brezinsek

Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Michael has also been a very good friend to me since we shared the office in the barracks in the Forschungszentrum Jülich. 25 years ago, during our doctoral thesis at TEXTOR.  We did study the plasma boundary layer properties in the tokamak with different techniques. Later. we often lived in the same house during our secondments to JET during EFDA times exploring JET with graphite and metallic wall. In our free time, we did a lot of things together with our families and other Jülich colleagues at JET and formed a special community as "expats". Hiking was one of Michael's passions, for example there were legendary tours in Wales with Alexander Huber, Stefan Jachmich, Mathias Brix and myself. After his move to ITER to solve the disruption mitigation issue, we remained friends and often visited each other with our families. Michael was an epicurean, an excellent cook and an attentive host. His dry, sometimes wicked sense of humour was as much a hallmark of his character as his friendliness and helpfulness. I am very sad that Michael has passed away so soon and I will miss him very much. He will certainly be remembered as one of my good friends, not only by me, but also by many colleagues who knew him.

Gergely Papp

Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
My deep condolences to Michael's family, friends, and colleagues. Michael has been a friend, mentor, an excellent physicist and manager. I have admired his ability to engage in-depth with numerous projects at once while keeping an always upbeat attitude. We have been fortunate to enjoy his guidance, wisdom and humor. We will miss you.

Cédric Reux

Michael's passing away is a tragic loss for his colleagues and the fusion community as a whole. He was a prominent figure in the field of disruptions and was considered by many of us as "the voice of ITER" on this topic. His dedication to addressing the issue fuelled many experiments, simulations and technology developments throughout the world. I first met him while I was doing my PhD, when he warmly welcomed me in the disruption mitigation team at JET. I owe him my first presentations in task force E meetings, and also my continued interest for the topic. I will remember his ability to hear people's opinions out, his patience with newcomers, and his witty sense of humour. The best tribute we can pay him is to continue his work.

Picture: JET control room after the first plasma in the Beryllium/tungsten wall configuration. Michael stands at the back, with a dark blue T-shirt.

Javier Artola

Scientist in Disruption Modelling, ITER Organization, Experiments & Plasma Operation Section
From the moment I arrived at IO to work on disruptions, I found in Michael a true master and a formidable role model. Meeting him changed my future path and the values that I will strive for. Scientifically, one of the things that I admired most of him was his mental clarity and ability to select the key information in the vast chaos of experimental, simulation and theory findings. It was clearly impressive; he was able to organize all this confusing data into the clear story that exactly fits the needs of the ITER Disruption Mitigation System. Without his physical intuition, which is characteristic of the great physicists, and drive for scientific collaboration, the ITER DMS would not have reached the current level of maturity. Michael remained curious and enthusiastic until the very end, which shows how much he loved his work.

One of the most vivid images that will remain in my brain is the calmness, curiosity, and openness in which he kept working in our office when all his world was falling apart. From my perspective, the strength with which he withstood that situation (sickness and tremendous workload) and the kindness he showed to people in that state is truly remarkable.

We will do our best to make sure that your extraordinary achievements and exemplary behaviour are never forgotten.

Rest in peace Michael, we miss you

Si-Woo Yoon

Korea Institute of Fusion Energy
First of all, I would like to express my deepest condolence for Michael and his family. Needless to say, it is such a loss and Michael has been one of the great leaders at ITER IO and done lots of critical research work including DMS Taskforce and ITPA. He also has been a good friend of the KSTAR team and couple of years ago, I've enjoyed a lot discussing plasma runs with him at KSTAR control room and lively chat with him drinking beer. I wish his family and friends get over the absence of him well.

Rob Goldston

Professor, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Michael was a steady hand dealing with a complex problem - about which everyone had a different opinion. He navigated this situation with visible grace and less visible determination. It is a credit to his guidance that ITER is taking this problem so seriously.

All of us in the fusion program owe Michael a debt both for his character and for his physics. May his memory be a blessing.


Research Engineer, CEA
I am deeply saddened by the disappearance of Michael, who was both a colleague and a friend during his post-doctoral years at Tore Supra and later at ITER. Michael was always dedicated, helpful, and, of course, highly competent. I remember a PSI conference in 2006 or 2008, which he attended with his partner and their newborn baby. It was a natural and joyful moment, and everyone was made happy by having a baby at the conference. Michael will be missed by many, and I have a special thought for his children and partner.

Miroslaw Zlobinski

IEK-4, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
I was very sad and shocked to hear that Michael died because after many years I have seen him again last October on a conference and spoke to him about ITER. I did not realise that he was ill. Reading here how he worked almost up to the last day shows that he wanted to support fusion as long as he could with all his power. My full respect to his dedication and his nice character. I met him when we were both working on TEXTOR in Jülich and liked his calm style that fitted to his tall appearance and his special humour. Rest in peace, Michael.

Antti Hakola

On behalf of the EUROfusion Tokamak Exploitation Work Package Task Force Leaders (Marco Wischmeier, Matteo Baruzzo, Antti Hakola, David Keeling, Benoit Labit, Emmanuelle Tsitrone, Nicola Vianello),

We were deeply saddened to hear about Michael's passing and we'd like to send our deepest condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues around the world. Not only in the ITER research community but also in the European fusion devices Michael was an outstanding figure with deep knowledge on various fields of physics, especially on plasma disruptions. Most recently, he was actively involved in shattered pellet injection (SPI) experiments on JET and ASDEX Upgrade, in charge of coordinating the most complicated ones of these where several pellets should be injected in a timely manner into the plasma. This was a brilliant example of a task where his devotion and passion towards science helped in solving any outstanding problem that at first sight looked impossible to be circumvented. But hard work put on the activity paid off resulting in high-quality scientific results for numerous journal articles and conference contributions. Michael leaves behind an honourable legacy in the field of disruption physics and big boots to be filled. The image of a wryly but warmly smiling Michael will stay fondly imprinted in our memory for years to come.

Antti Hakola, VTT

Karl Krieger

Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching
I was shocked and very sad to read about Michael's passing. He was an outstanding scientist and a great colleague and comrade during our time together at JET. I often enjoyed his dry sense of humour when we took a short break from our control room duties in the adjacent fish bowl cafeteria and I will always remember him, our colleague Stefan and myself standing together in the lunch queue, towering over the other colleagues and quite literally having a "high level" chat. I'll always cherish those memories. My thoughts are with his family and friends during this difficult time.

Renaud Dejarnac

IPP Prague
It is with a great sadness that I learned about Michael's passing away and I am deeply touched. Last time I was in close contact with him was when he coordinated different disruption studies that we performed at COMPASS for ITER. Before that, I knew him from JET and despite the fact we were not working in the same field of physics and the we met rarely, he always had time for nice conversations. He was an extremely nice and kind person with a big smile. My sincere condolences to his family and closest.

Larry Baylor

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
I was very saddened to learn about Michael's passing away while at a US fusion program meeting.   It was announced at our meeting which reflects the impact that Michael's work had on our field. I personally remember fondly discussing disruption mitigation with Michael for the past 15 years and appreciated his skillful leadership in moving the ITER disruption mitigation system to a mature design.  His memory will be etched in so many minds that continue to strive for fusion energy.

Hank Strauss

It was sad to learn the news about Michael Lehnen. I met him many times over the years at ITER meetings and disruption workshops. I was very impressed how much effort and energy he contributed to planning the ITER disruption mitigation system. I differed with him on some aspects of disruptions, but he politely heard me out. His contributions will be important in the operation of ITER and development of magnetic fusion energy.

Indranil Bandyopadhyay

ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research
Rarely have I felt so numb and distraught as I feel now to write about Michael. He was such a dear colleague and friend, 

Michael was not just a stalwart in the field of disruptions and disruption mitigation in particular, his work ethics, professionalism and dedication to work was impeccable and his tremendous leadership and contributions in the ITPA MHD, Disruption and Control (MDC) group is immeasurable. Even though I have known him for many years, over the last 10 years I collaborated closely with him. The way he dealt with his work in the last year or so despite his debilitating illness, is nothing less than awe inspiring. I would carry the fond memory that I had the honor to chair the session of his last presentation in April 2024 in the ITPA MDC meeting in Japan. 

I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt condolences to his nearest family, especially his sons. May the Almighty give them the strength and courage to overcome this loss. 

To the entire extended ITER family, it is a great loss. ITER DMS will always be indebted to him. You shall be remembered dear friend.

Egbert Westerhof

Department Head Fusion Energy, DIFFER
We are deeply saddened by the loss of Michael Lehnen. He was a beloved and esteemed colleague. We particularly remember our collaboration around the exploitation of the Dynamic Ergodic Divertor at TEXTOR within the Trilateral Euregio Cluster. Our deepest sympathy and condolences are with his close family and friends.

Roberto Paccagnella

Consorzio RFX and CNR
I met Michael several times within the ITPA meetings on disruptions mitigation. I am astonished by his death and I feel profoundly touched.
I am sure however that his scientific legacy will last after him and it will significantly contribute to a safe and reliable operation of ITER.

Daphné Crowther

ITER Procurement Section Leader
It is with great sadness that I learned of Mickael's death. I had the chance to work with him to set up contracts. Always friendly, humble and attentive. My sincere condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.

Ramon Martin-Solis

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
I have had the luck and opportunity of working and collaborating with Michael along these years. I have always seen as a master capable of guiding our work in the right direction, establishing whether the results were adequate and suggesting new and interesting lines of work. His treatment was always friendly and respectful, making our job easier. 

I have always admired his capacity for work and leadership to make the DMS system a reality at ITER, even facing in the last times important medical issues. Michael leaves an important legacy to the fusion community, and especially to the friends and colleagues who have been able to enjoy these years with him. 

My sincere condolences to those closest to Michael, friends and colleagues all over the world. We will miss him. 

Gabriella Pautasso

IPP Garching
Dear Michael, I wish you would have stayed with us much longer. But since it did not turn out this way, I want to thank you for our honest, constructive and inspiring collaboration.
You have been a valuable colleague and comrade for me - and many others - all these years.

Akinobu Matsuyama

Kyoto University, Japan
Please accept my deepest condolences to all his family and closest 
friends. I still can't accept it well because it happened very suddenly, 
but I'll forever be proud of the six years I had the pleasure of working 
with you.

Emmanuel JOFFRIN

CEA Cadarache, Former JET and EUROfusion TFLs in charge of disruption mitigation experiments
Michael will leave a big hole in our research community. Not only was he a friendly and jovial colleagues in all circumstances, but he was also a very skilled physicist and engineer both qualities that are rare together and indispensable for the success of the disruption mitigation system of ITER. Whether this was at JET as bolometer RO when I met him first, or leader of the DMS task Force for the JET SPI his contributions have been always effective and decisive.  Although Michael had informed me about his illness, I was shocked when received his last message three weeks ago that his "working life" had ended. He will stay alive in my memory for ever. 
Emmanuel Joffrin

Martina Mangels

IEK-4, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
I am very sad to hear this.
Michael was always a nice and reliable colleague.
My deepest condolences and sympathy for his family and friends.

Vladislav Plyusnin

IPFN Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
With sincere condolences to Michael's family, friends and colleagues.

We lost a good friend and superb scientist, whose service to international fusion community, dedication and proven leadership, commitment to helping others will always be remembered.

Rest in a peace, Michael.


Research Director, CEA
It is with great sadness that I have learned of this news. I will always remember the times we worked together to set up the project to install a Shattered Pellet Injector at JET in support of the ITER design as part of an international cooperation. Michael's contribution to the project and the execution of this unique set of experiments was of prime importance and crucial for the design of the ITER Disruption Mitigation System. I wish to express my sincere condolences to his family, friends, colleagues and loved ones.


Dear Mr.Lenhan, 

Thank you for your visit to Naka Institute in April - which just a two month ago and I could meet Mr.Lenhen even briefly, very tall and he had a good smile and therefore I was supprised to hear the news.

Our sincere condolences for your sudden loss.

Please let us pray that he may rest in peace.

Matthias Hoelzl

Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics
We will deeply miss you as a lovely person and energetic expert.

Di Hu

Associate Professor, Beihang University
It has been a great pleasure to work with you Michael. You will be deeply missed as a fellow physicist and as a friend. We will carry on your works.

Sang-Jun Lee

Michael, the last few years with you and your kind smile are something I will never forget. I wish you eternal peace without any more pain. It was truly a fortune to have worked with you.

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