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The new ITER look and feel

It took some time, but the result is well worth it... the new ITER logo and graphic standards are now ready for use. This new graphic style will convey to the world the identity of ITER and help us communicate in a consistent manner to both external and internal audiences.

Here is the IDM link to the new templates for letterheads, PowerPoint presentations, scientific posters, fax sheet and logo types that are currently available:

All Department secretaries have also received the new business cards template. You will also find the ITER Identification & Graphic Standards Manual which details how to use the logo, which spacing, type face, font and colour to use and how to use it on any print documents. Hard copies of this Manual can be obtained via your Department secretaries.

Please make sure to use these templates and the new ITER look in all future ITER communication to ensure a consistent image of ITER at all levels.

For any questions or help on how to use our new ITER brand, please contact Iris Rona, Internal Communications, ext. 9803, email;

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