Second ITER Business Forum to be held in Manosque

26 Oct 2011 - Sabine Portier, ILO France / Secrétaire général du Comité Industriel ITER
The ITER Organization's first showcase on the industrial stage in Nice, December 2007.
For only the second time in its history, after a first public appearance in Nice in December 2007, the ITER project will be showcased on the industrial stage. The ITER Business Forum 2011 will take place on 7-8 December in Manosque with the participation and support of the ITER Organization and the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy (F4E). The event is organized in conjunction with the F4E Industrial Liaison Officers Network, the French ITER Industrial Committee, the regional network of Chambers of Trade and Industry, and the "Communauté de Communes Luberon-Durance-Verdon."
IBF/11 aims to provide European industry with updated information on the status of ITER Project, the procurement process, and the calls for tender planned for the next two years. The plenary talk on ITER progress will be given by Rich Hawryluk, ITER Deputy Director-General and Head of the Administration Department. The plenary session will be followed by a set of thematic workshops, with ITER staff participating, on ITER and F4E purchasing procedures and specific systems and components.
IBF/11 also aims to improve mutual understanding between ITER and industry. In order to facilitate contacts, business-to-business meetings (one-to-one) can be arranged online from early November through 5 December. A dinner is planned on 7 December to enhance networking. A visit to the site will allow IBF/11 participants to measure the scale of the ITER Project with their own eyes.
Companies from Europe are especially encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to get in direct contact with the ITER Organization, F4E and others involved in the world-spanning ITER project. Companies from within Europe can contact their national Industrial Liaison Officers (ILO) for any additional information. 
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