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First China-Japan-Korea workshop on ITER

The first China-Japan-Korea workshop on ITER, held on 1-2 December, attracted over 60 participants. (Click to view larger version...)
The first China-Japan-Korea workshop on ITER, held on 1-2 December, attracted over 60 participants.
Representatives from China, Japan and Korea met for the first trilateral workshop on ITER from 1 to 2 December at the Canton Hotel in Guangzhou, China. Hosted by the Chinese Domestic Agency, the workshop aimed to discuss technology, the experience of ITER procurement, and the development pathway for a fusion facility in China, Japan, and Korea.

Over 50 experts from the Chinese Domestic Agency and Chinese industry met with 7 experts from the Japanese Domestic Agency and 9 from the Korean Domestic Agency, including delegates from governments and all three Domestic Agency heads.

The need for information exchange and close collaboration between China, Japan, and Korea was stressed as a necessary condition to developing fusion energy. Synergies in terms of culture, nature, and project mind in the three countries were also evoked.

Each Domestic Agency head introduced the organization of its agency and described procurement items, progress in their procurement, and future plans. Dedicated exchanges took place on blanket and divertor manufacturing technology, the Test Blanket Module program, conductor and magnet manufacturing technology, and diagnostics manufacturing. A session on "Beyond ITER" focused on the DEMO development plan and design progress in each country.

Collaborative actions were set forth and may be the focus of satellite meetings in the individual topics at a later date.

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